Responsible Sourcing Policy
Our Comittment to Ethical & Sustainable Practices
Hawk Semiconductor LLC is dedicated toupholding the highest standards of business ethics and sustainability in allaspects of our operations, including the sourcing of materials and components.
Our Approach & Commitment
Our Responsible Sourcing Policy is anintegral part of our commitment to a responsible and transparent supply chain,ensuring that we only partner with suppliers who share our values and adhere torelevant laws and regulations.
We are committed to sourcing materials,products, and services from suppliers who align with our core values on humanrights, labor rights, ethics, and environmental stewardship. We do not supportor condone any activities that may fuel conflict, cause environmental harm, orviolate fundamental human rights. As part of this commitment, we actively seekto avoid the procurement of Conflict Minerals from high-risk areas orconflict-affected regions that contribute to the funding of armed groups responsible for violence or human rights abuses.
We are fully committed to conducting diligent research through our supply chain to understand the origin of thematerials used in our products. We adhere to the guidelines outlined in the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas toensure that we are sourcing responsibly. We will not knowingly procure Conflict Minerals from smelters or refineries that are not certified as conflict-free byrecognized international organizations.
We require all suppliers to comply withall applicable laws, regulations, and standards relevant to their businessoperations, including the requirements set forth in Hawk Semiconductor LLC’s Supplier Code of Conduct. Suppliers must also implement their own internalResponsible Sourcing Policies that ensure that the materials they supply toHawk Semiconductor LLC are sourced in a socially responsible manner, and thatthey do not source Conflict Minerals from non-certified smelters or refineries. We expect full cooperation from all direct suppliers in providing the information required for us to assess compliance with this policy.
To ensure ongoing compliance with this Responsible Sourcing Policy, Hawk Semiconductor LLC conducts rigorous due diligence on our supply chain. We may request documentation, certifications,and other relevant information from our suppliers at any time to assess theorigin of materials and their sourcing practices. If any supplier is found to be non-compliant with this policy or unable to demonstrate reasonable progresstoward sourcing Conflict-Free minerals, we reserve the right to reconsider ourpartnership with that supplier.
Still have questions?
Contact us to learn more about our responsible sourcing requirements.